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Block pumping stations, block boxes, valve chambers, boiler installations, etc. BKU Plant

More than 12 years NEW TECHNOLOGIES GROUP has been supplying block cluster pumping stations, gas control stations, diesel and compressor stations, comb units, sewage pumping stations, chemical dosing units, fire hydrant block boxes, gate valve chambers, heating units, operator rooms. Our extensive expertise and using components from leading manufacturers is the main reason why the customers choose us.
Product catalog Zavod BKU

About Zavod BKU

The plant of block-complete devices (BKU Plant, Tyumen) occupies one of the most advanced positions in its industry, as the company's products meet high modern technological standards, are competitive in price and are in demand by consumers.
  • reliability

    The high-tech methods and modern materials used in production have created the company's image as a reliable partner.
  • quality

    The stable and high-quality work of the company's team has earned a decent reputation and positive feedback from consumers of products.
  • development

    The company is focused on continuous modernization and growth associated with the development and implementation of the latest production technologies.

Zavod BKU catalog

The group «New Technologies» offers products from the plant Zavod BKU: block cluster pumping stations, gas control stations, diesel and compressor stations, comb units, sewage pumping stations, chemical dosing units, fire hydrant block boxes, gate valve chambers, heating units, operator rooms
  • Equipment for PPD systems  Zavod BKU
    Equipment for PPD systems 
    BCNS, BG, etc.
  • Pumping systems Zavod BKU
    Pumping systems
    NPS, KANS, etc.
  • Reagent farming Zavod BKU
    Reagent farming
    UDH et al .
  • Fire-fighting equipment Zavod BKU
    Fire-fighting equipment
    START, 493/5, POZH6-4K, etc.
  • Technological equipment Zavod BKU
    Technological equipment
    GGRPB, GRPB, etc.
  • Electrical engineering Zavod BKU
    Electrical engineering
    KTP with NKU, DES, etc.
  • Building structures Zavod BKU
    Building structures
    B116, B166M, BOV-1, etc.

Find your Zavod BKU product

Choose the most comfortable way to place your order or get information about the characteristics, prices and delivery terms.
  1. Quotation

    To see our prices get the quotation or an official offer for Zavod BKU products.

  2. Consultation

    Consult our specialists to get the most compatible and affordable Zavod BKU products.

  3. Analogs selection

    Send us the marking of the competitor’s products and we will offer the best Zavod BKU deal in terms of technical features and price.

  4. Order and delivery

    Inquire for invoice and Sales Agreement for companies and individual persons to buy Zavod BKU products.

Information Board Zavod BKU

Learn more about our products Zavod BKU.
  • Questionnaire for ordering a block boiler plant производства Завод БКУ
    Questionnaire for ordering a block boiler plant
  • Questionnaire for ordering a block transformer substation в магазине Завод БКУ
    Questionnaire for ordering a block transformer substation
  • Questionnaire for ordering a pumping station от производителя Завод БКУ
    Questionnaire for ordering a pumping station
  • Questionnaire for ordering a pumping station above the art well производства Завод БКУ
    Questionnaire for ordering a pumping station above the art well
  • Questionnaire for ordering a chemical dosing unit изготовителя Завод БКУ
    Questionnaire for ordering a chemical dosing unit
  • Questionnaire for ordering the installation of a cabinet supply of chemicals изготовителя Завод БКУ
    Questionnaire for ordering the installation of a cabinet supply of chemicals
  • Questionnaire for ordering a block operator завода Завод БКУ
    Questionnaire for ordering a block operator
  • Questionnaire for ordering a block-box of fire hydrants поставщика Завод БКУ
    Questionnaire for ordering a block-box of fire hydrants
  • Questionnaire for ordering a fire-fighting pumping station в магазине Завод БКУ
    Questionnaire for ordering a fire-fighting pumping station
  • Questionnaire for ordering a block cluster pumping station завода Завод БКУ
    Questionnaire for ordering a block cluster pumping station
  • Questionnaire for ordering a block-box for heating the watch personnel изготовителя Завод БКУ
    Questionnaire for ordering a block-box for heating the watch personnel
  • Questionnaire for ordering a motor pump storage box от производителя Завод БКУ
    Questionnaire for ordering a motor pump storage box
  • Questionnaire for ordering a fire equipment storage box производства Завод БКУ
    Questionnaire for ordering a fire equipment storage box
  • Questionnaire for ordering a checkpoint block производства Завод БКУ
    Questionnaire for ordering a checkpoint block
  • Questionnaire for ordering a block for the placement of electrical equipment завода Завод БКУ
    Questionnaire for ordering a block for the placement of electrical equipment
  • Questionnaire for ordering a block gas control point завода Завод БКУ
    Questionnaire for ordering a block gas control point
  • Questionnaire for ordering a block diesel power plant поставщика Завод БКУ
    Questionnaire for ordering a block diesel power plant
  • Questionnaire for ordering a sewage pumping station в магазине Завод БКУ
    Questionnaire for ordering a sewage pumping station


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